Monday, May 18, 2009

But Wait! There's More...

So, I told you that some of our neighbors had brought us some grilled food, let us borrow their caulk gun, and their lawnmower (twice). To return the favor, at least partially, Justyn agreed to help the guy unload some cabinets that he'd purchased and help carry them down into the guy's basement. I felt good because we were finally helping them out. But later that day, he brought this over:

"Just a bottle of wine to say thanks for Justyn's help today," he said. Then last Saturday morning, one of the little girls from across the street delivered these cookies (still warm). They were almost exactly like my friend Amy's "Grandma Cookies," but with raisins added. They definitely made me miss my friend.

Then this weekend, another neighbor (not yet introduced) brought over some fresh-baked (again, still warm) chocolate chip cookies. I'm tellin' ya... these people are either stalking me, or we're a match made in neighbor heaven. Surely she didn't know that chocolate chip cookies are my favorite? I mean, seriously, does this ever stop? I'm not complaining at all, it's just kind of weird, and I'm starting to feel sort of guilty.

The other bonus about this particular neighbor is that she has an amazing yard. She told me about a garden store only about 10 blocks away where they sell organic vegetable starts. I'm so excited! I walked there today in only 15 minutes, browsed a bit, and plan to go back to pick up some things. Don't worry, I will share every step of my gardening blunders with you. And, I assure you, there will be blunders.

We also finally found out who left the anonymous tulips on our front doorstep, and got the chance to say thanks in person, which was nice. After all this niceness, I decided that my original thought of baking something in return wouldn't quite cut it. So, I dug out some stationery and delivered some handwritten notes to each of them to say thanks. Maybe that'll be the end of it, and maybe not. Only time will tell.

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