No, really, I don't.
But I do have a problem with this:
It's not exactly that... but it's when the arrow is red, but the other light is green, that really bugs me. I mean, if there are no cars coming, why can't I turn? They don't do that in Nashville, folks. The people in charge there, rightly assume that if I have a license to drive, that I can see clearly if a car is coming, and can act accordingly (by either waiting, or proceeding to turn). But here in Oregon, noooo. You can't do that here. You have to wait until they say you can turn. Ugh. It truly is one of the most annoying things about this place.
About 2 weeks after we moved here, I was driving through Beaverton, and just barely made it through a yellow light. Right as I went through the intersection, I saw this bright white light flash in my rearview mirror, and realized that it took a picture of me! Luckily for me, our car was still new and had temporary tags from Tennessee. Serves them right, those sneaky bastards... But, I knew to be careful after that. They don't do that in Tennessee either. Hmph.
When I went to register the car and get our new plates, they said that we had to get our license within 30 days of moving to the state. So I picked up a manual and started studying. But then as I started talking to other people, I found out that it was one of the hardest drivers tests in the nation, and I know several people who failed it the first time. Yikes! Those of you who know me, know that I am a hardcore bookworm/studier, and so this freaked me out. So, I put it off, and I put it off... until a few weeks ago.
After being here for almost a year (!) and I am proud to say I finally took my driver's test and passed! The first time! But it was really hard. With some weird, stupid questions.
For example:
When approaching a person on horseback, if the rider's hand is raised in the air, you should:
a) Stop and pull over. This person needs help.
b) This is a greeting. Proceed normally.
c) The animal is frightened. Slow down and proceed with caution.
d) The animal is making a turn and you should yield.
I mean, what a stupid question! How many times have I ever approached a horse on a road? How about zero. Luckily someone I knew warned me about this question, (which, at the time, I thought they were kidding) so I knew the answer was C. But still! I mean, does not knowing that make me a bad driver? Of course not. The whole test is just designed to make you read their stupid 100+ page book. Parts of it were sort of entertaining, though, like the part about driving with caution in school zones, and the book says, "Remember, children are often very unpredictable." It really does say that. Ha ha! I don't know why, but it made me laugh out loud when I read that. Like they're wild animals or something.
Anyway, I do have to say that I am glad I read the book. There are a LOT more rules here regarding pedestrians and bicyclists which are good to know. I'm definitely not used to driving with so many people on the road (not in cars) so it's good that I finally learned it all. And I probably should have done it sooner than like 10 months after I moved here. But whatever. It's done, and I'm legal!
So, I am officially an Oregon resident now... my driver license was the last southern stronghold. When I got carded, people were like, "Ohhh... Tennessee, huh?" And then a story ensued, they asked me what it's like living in the South, etc. It was a nice conversation starter. But now, I'm just a regular old Oregonian. Kind of sad.
Do you still have the book? I may need to borrow it so I can become a legal person too...
I'm so proud of you for passing the test!
Pretty annoying how Big Brother controls the roads over there, isn't it? I hate those traffic signals that take pictures. They don't let you get away with anything these days.
Casual Kitchen
PS: I would have guessed "D".
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